Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf

Sir Walter Turf Delivery

Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf is Australia’s No.1 Buffalo lawn, proving time and time again that it will go anywhere and grow anywhere. Born and bred in Australia for Australian conditions.

The equivalent of 450,000 home owners cannot be wrong, with over 60 million square metres sold throughout Australia.

Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf is Australian born and bred – developed in Australia for Australian conditions. DON’T ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES – insist on Sir Walter DNA Certified NOT the “just as good as”.

  • Sir Walter DNA Certified lawn turf is the premium choice in turf for our lifestyle and climate, with excellent suitability for our coastal environment.
  • Sir Walter DNA Certified has a soft broad leaf, maintains a beautiful emerald green colour longer than other grasses, is shade and salt tolerant and best of all it is low maintenance. Sir Walter DNA Certified has a high quality appearance with minimal care.
  • Sir Walter DNA Certified is the best all round variety for home lawns and many commercial sites, providing good wear tolerance in high traffic areas e.g. backyards with dogs, playgrounds etc.
  • Sir Walter DNA Certified is the most environmentally friendly lawn grass needing less water, fertilisers, chemicals and mowing then most other varieties. Its drought tolerance, fungus and weed resistance make it an environmentally responsible variety.


Sir Walter DNA Certified has been shown to perform under extreme temperature conditions of between -5°C and 45°C but grows best at temperatures between 20°C and 38°C. Sir Walter DNA Certified will survive under extreme temperature conditions of between -11°C to 50°C. Sir Walter DNA Certified is able to survive frost conditions, will go into dormancy and brown-off considerably over winter in very cold regions yet will recover quickly and maintain good colour throughout warmer seasons.


Sir Walter can withstand low-light intensity caused by prolonged periods of cloud, fog or smog conditions.It performs well in shaded positions down to 30% sunlight and is therefore an exceptional performer for underneath trees, or part-shade from neighbouring structures.



This salt-resistant turf is tolerant of salinity issues arising from wind blown salt on waterfront land and, as indicated in the soil requirements section, it is able to survive in conditions up to 18 dS/ m.

If you want the best lawn in your street buy Sir Walter DNA Certified and insist of your Certificate of Authenticity.